



regular 1

1500 LEI

1 Ostoya 40% 0,70L
1GH Mumm Brut 12% 0,75L 
1 Asti Martini 12% 0,75L
1 Prigat 1L
5 Red Bull

regular 2

1500 LEI

1 Absolut Elix 42% 1L
1 Bottega Gold 11% 0,75L
1 Prigat 1L
5 Aqua Carpatica
5 Fi-ga

regular 3

1500 LEI

1 Chivas Regal XV 40% 0,70L
1 GH Mumm Brut 12% 0,75L
2 Prigat 1L
5 Red Bull
4 Fi-ga


2500 LEI

1 Ostoya Night Edition 40% 1,75L
1 GH Mumm Brut 12% 0,75L
2 Prigat 1L
10 Red Bull
4 Fi-ga


2500 LEI

Chivas Regal 12yo 40% 1,5L
2 Luc Belaire Rose 12,5% 0,75L
1 Olmeca Altos 40% 0,70L
2 Prigat 1L


2500 LEI

1 Absolut Elix 42% 1L
1 Gh Mumm Brut 12% 1,5L
2 Prigat 1L
5 Red Bull
10 Fi-ga

Acest meniu apartine SC CELEBRINO CONCEPT SRL, J23/999/2018, RO38983609, capital social 500 lei. Sediul Social: Sat Rosu, Comuna Chiajna, Str. 1 Dec 1918, Nr. 7, Camera 3, Judet Ilfov

Va rugam sa semnalati personalului nostru eventualele alergii sau intolerante la alimente. În caz contrar, nu ne asumam responsabilitatea pentru eventualele urmari.

Please notify our staff of possible allergies or intolerance to food. otherwise, we are not responsible for any consequences.

Mentionam ca anumite produse pot contine alergeni, gluten, arahide si produse derivate, lapte si produse derivate (inclusiv lactoza), soia si produse derivate, seminte de susan si produse derivate, fructe cu coaja lemnoasa (migdale, alune de padure, nuci, etc.) dioxid de sulf si sulfiti.

Please be aware that some products might contain ingredients that cause allergies: gluten, peanuts and other similar ingredients (including lactose), soya and similar ingredients, sesame seeds and similar ingredients, oleaginous fruits (almonds, hazelnuts, nuts, etc.), sulphur dioxide and sulphites.